Saturday, October 28, 2017


Each month seems to go by even quicker than the last, and October was no exception. This month I had the opportunity to volunteer at the Sweet Potato Fest hosted by Arthur Ashe Charter School, and it was probably the most fun thing I did all month- definitely due in part to all the great food I got to sample, all including sweet potatoes, of course. I helped setup and cleanup, but the parts I enjoyed the most were digging for sweet potatoes (note my own haul in the photos, which I am very proud of), and helping with the smoothie station, where people used a blender powered by the pedaling of a bike to make sweet potato smoothies. Moving forward, I definitely would want to get more involved with volunteer opportunities like this one, getting to interact with happy kids was actually a real mood lifter and was a nice break from what can be an otherwise monotonous student life. All in all, I would say this month was a good one, and I am ready for November, mainly because the weather is finally cooling down and I could not be happier about it.

October hours: 5
Total hours: 13

April- Goodbye

This post is more difficult to write than any of the previous ones for a few reasons, the biggest one being that I always have struggled wit...